Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Do you think that celebrities name their babies weird names as a publicity stunt?

Pilot Inspektor, Zuma Rock, Bronx Mowki, Apple.... what?

There are so many downright weird, strange and outrageous celebrity baby's names out there. I really think that they are doing so just to get attention from the press. You know what they say, free press is the best press. Celebrities bussiness is to keep current and to aim to be in the magazines and tv reports to get noticed by any means possible... but using their own off springs to get attention?

What do you think?

Do you think that celebrities name their babies weird names as a publicity stunt?
I think they do. Gosh these poor kids, they are going to get teased so bad and their parents don't care!
Reply:I think it has something to do with the fact that unlike most people, many actors have had a moment where they were forced to change their name to something else. Since the screen actor's guild requires every actor to have a different, unique name, many actors have had a moment where they found out they didn't have a unique name.

Having had the moment where they were forced to rename themselves, whether or not they wished to, made them more aware of how few anmes are out there.

I blame the acid for Moon Unit, Ahmed, %26amp; Dweasel.
Reply:its actually bronx mowgli, BUT yeah, it's just to see who can get the most attention I think. Because every day people are picking down to earth names..
Reply:I never thought of it like that...I think they do.

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