I do NOT want to start flames going, but I'm very curious.
I know how people who give their children ordinary names feel about unusual names -- they laugh. Sorry, but they do. They even trade stories of the funniest names. And there's a certain amount of snobbery involved, too, figuring that people who give their children strange names must themselves be not too smart or not too educated.
So, how do people who give their children unusual, made-up names look on those who give ordinary names? Do they just think we're stupid? Boring? Unimaginative? Can't think of anything else? Don't love our kids much?
As I said, I don't want flames. I've tried to be honest, though, and I would really like some honest answers. How do people who name their child Merlot feel about those who name their child Mary?
How do "fancy name" people feel about plain names for babies?
I am naming my daughter River, and also am fond of the name Coral for a girl. BUT for a boy I love the name James Michael (although we also liked Odin) and my second favorite name for a girl was Nicholle Angelle. As you can see, I like both traditional and non traditional names. I dont think badly on anyone who chooses a traditional name for their child. Each child is unique and their names are usually carefully chosen by loving parents, thus making each and every name special. The only thing I wish is that people who prefer more traditional names would not be so quick to judge on names that sound a bit different to them. Because, honestly when you look at it, the name River is not very different from the more traditional name Brooke. People are just accustomed to hearing one more than the other.
Reply:that's how it is.
Some people like unusual names, and they think people that name a regular name is boring, or the other way around.
People always gonna do different things and other people will talk about it................that's r world!!!
Reply:I don't really comment on what people name their children unless they ask. My name and my daughter's names are not common, but not strangely different. I mean, in my opinion, regardless of what your child's name is the other kids will only find something else to tease them about. And for people who think that they will have trouble finding good jobs as they get older, look at Condalezza Rice, I don't care for the name, but it's not mine, so I don't care. Some people just want their child to stand out in the crowd.
Reply:Giving a child a made up name is not doing the child any favours. With a normal name like Mary, they won't get teased at school as much about it. If they want to change their names to something more extraordinary in the future they can.
Parents only name their children with those weird made up names because they sound "cute" to them. Not to the child.
Reply:its an individual thing and i think we all name our children with names that we like ourselves. i mean our parents pick our names so if we have unusual names that is down to our parents not us... so i hope that people respect the fact as parents we have a right to choose our children's names, and it may not be to everyone taste... my name is fairly plain, and my children's names were in the middle, i am pregnant now and my partner is trying to get me to agree to some very unusual names. i personally don't like any of them, but then again his name is unusual so i don't know if that had anything to do with it... interesting question though
Reply:We give our children names we like and we think is meant for the child. I believe most of the parents try to think how the name would affect the kid`s life, but I`ve also heard many stories of a name, which the parents knew when they saw the baby. (My sister had many names in mind for nine months, but when the baby was there, non of them was no good, because the baby looked like "Mathilda".)
I don`t think anything of the parents by their child`s name, but maybe if I know why the name was given.
If the ordinary name just feels right, then fine...
But if you are scared of what others might think and just give an ordinary name, because you have to...Not good.
Styles change and "special" can become everyday thing. My name for example is rare in my age-group, but now there are many kids with this name. In Finland the old and traditional names have also become more and more popular - the same names that once just to be too old-fashioned.
Reply:I think it's a personal decision. My first child is Brantley. We love it. Our friends love it and it's perfect for him. I find very common names, just that too common for me, but I dont' care if others use them. On the other hand I find the extremes like naming your child Apple a bit ridiculous but then I dont' live in CA!
Reply:I think you should name you child the name your and your husband loves.
Yes, both need to love it
I like Elizabeth, Michaela, Hayley, Julia, Chandi, Shawnee, Sarah, Abrianna, Catherine, Catarina
I like many names. My husband was not as open as I am
I do not like made up names like Nevaeh or misspelled names
I just think that's dumb
There are more name out there, why do you need to make up a name or spelling
The worst spelling I saw was Justine spelled, Gestyn, I would never in my life would think that's Justine. Spelling the name wrong, does not make the name Unique
Chandi, is a unique name, that's not made up, or spell wrong
They are name Chanda, it's a different name.
I hope this helps
IF I do not like a name of a person, I do not tell them. I will say what an pretty name.
Reply:I personally don't have a true preference. There are just names I've liked since I was younger and some of those are a tad unusual and others are more mainstream and "ordinary." I want to name my son Kona Jace. It's unusual and people say he will be teased for it and probably THINK I'm uneducated. If they paid close attention, they'd see that I'm an intelligent person.
I've seen a room full of kids (this being about 31) where at least five girls were named Ashley. Another three were named Jessica. Three boys named Jordan. Or Chris. I don't like think a child should have to go by their initials throughout life. (Most middle names used are just as common as the first name. There could be three Ashley Marie's) I've also known cases where there were two girls in the school with the same exact name.
So, no. I don't feel that a person who names their child an ordinary name is unimaginative. Just a little too cautious. People assume that a child will be picked on because of their name. Whether they have an ordinary name or not, they will be picked on at one point or another. It's how kids are. It's how they learn to deal with pressure and drama. It's our jobs to guide them into positive outlets to deal with these things rather than negative where they build everything up then have a breakdown.
Reply:personally I feel that giving the name merlot to a child is child abuse! mary and other normal names are the only sane, loving way to go!
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