Saturday, April 24, 2010

Can my daughter change her babies last name to hers instead of her having the absent father's last name?

She is getting ready to start kindergarten and we would like for her to have a last name of someone she knows, at least.

Can my daughter change her babies last name to hers instead of her having the absent father's last name?
I believe you can, just go to a family court judge and requset a change of the last name
Reply:she can but it will cost her and she'll probably have to attempt to contact the father if his name is on the birth cert. she'll proably have to do it through the courts too.
Reply:I think it has to be done thru the courts. It may take some time, too.
Reply:depnds what state you live in. most likely you'll have to get the father's consent to change the child's name. :(
Reply:It may depend on the state you are in as to what signatures you need. You may do it yourself or get a lawyer. You should be able to get the forms at your county courthouse (Register of Deeds? Ask, and they'll point you to the correct office). The office that gives you the forms are not allowed to answer questions; if you have questions regarding the forms, you need to speak to a lawyer. Lawyers usually charge $150-$200 for the entire process. File the paperwork. You'll receive official paperwork stating the name change, and possibly a corrected birth certificate (you may have to request this separately). After receiving the paperwork, you need to get the child's social security card changed to reflect the new name. Take your paperwork, birth certificates, etc to the Social Security office, or fill out the paperwork online (but you have to mail your official paperwork). You should get the corrected ss card w/ 4-6 wks.

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