Saturday, April 24, 2010

People of Arabic descent or those that speak the language, what would be a great unisex Arabic baby name?

I've searched online, but there isn't much there. Something uncommon, with a nice ring to it, would be a great suggestion.

People of Arabic descent or those that speak the language, what would be a great unisex Arabic baby name?
Anwar (ahn-WAHR)- beams of light, i know someone wit this name, and i like it.

Altair (AIL-tair)- bird

Amadi (ahm-AH-dee)- another name for muhammed

Cadi (caddy)- good luck

Ferran (FAIR-enn) baker

Jamilla (jah-ME-yah) Beautiful

Halah (hall-ah) nimble

mariam (MARY-emm) mary

jamilia (jah-MEEL-ee-uh) beautiful

Raja (RAH-jah) hope

Salem (suh-LEEM) peace

Zorah (ZOAR-uh) dawn

myrna (MER-nuh) myrrh

Leila (LEY-luh) born in night

Zia (Z'EYE-uh)(rhymes with Maya) splendor.

there are a lot more, but these are just my favorite :)

unisex name

it means belief
Reply:'Rayaan' (means the doors of heaven, and can be used for boys and girls)

'Noor' (means the sunlight, and also unisex)

'Nadeen' (but I don't know what it means, unisex)

'Jihad' (dieing in the name of God, unisex)
Reply:I found this link

My favourites are Asha (which means lively), Halah (nimble) and Zorah (Dawn). Goodluck.

pronounced sa -mun
Reply:Ara: meaning opinionated

Jaide: meaning goodness

Jameelah/Jamilah: meaning beautiful

Zia : meaning light,splendor

Salem/Salim: meaning Peace

My husband is Arabic we are trying to get pregnant now. If we have a boy we will Name him after my husbands dad (Samir Elias) if we have a girl we will name her either Amira or a more traditional name like Destiny. You can try searching on the net aswell there are many sites that can help you.
Reply:My niece is named Rahil, which is also a male name.
Reply:A great unisex name? Hmm..ok, here are some :

Wisam (we-sam)

I like it. It means "medal of honor".


I like this one even more. It means "peace".

Najah (Na-jaah)

Means "Success".

We'am (We-am)

Has a similar meaning to peace. Except this word really leans toward indicating that people are tolerant of each other and living happily side by side.


Means "Light or Enlightment"

Jihad used to be a common unisex name, not anymore!

Notice that most of these names have a similar ring to them...they all sound like "eee-aaa", or "aaa-aaa"..except for "Noor".


I agree Fatima, Rayan is a nice name.

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