Friday, April 23, 2010

When I was young I learned about a frog that could have babies on its back, what was the name of this frog?

Its driving me crazy,...Its was so gross,...I saw something and it just came to mind like ten years later. lol.

When I was young I learned about a frog that could have babies on its back, what was the name of this frog?
Surinam toad. (also called pipa pipa or pipa toad).

With her back near the water surface, the female deposits 60 to 100 eggs. They are fertilized by the male and distributed over the back of the female. Eggs adhere and sink into the sponge-like dorsal skin. Within 24 hours, the female's back begins to swell around the eggs. By 10 days, each egg will be embedded in a chamber, producing a "honeycomb" on female's back. They remain on her back until fully metamorphosed (12 to 20 weeks), then push out through the membranes covering the pockets. Young are cannibalistic and have no gills or tails (reabsorbed during development).
Reply:Midwife Toads attach the fertilized eggs to their hind legs. The male carries the eggs around this way for about a month, sometimes dipping them in water to keep them moist. When the eggs are ready to hatch, he brings them to a pond and releases them.

you can check the picture in

it is some what the 8 th pic or just click " Eggs cant run away or can they?"
Reply:Poison Dart Frogs Have Babies then when the babies are born the father give the baies a piggyback ride to the nearest pool of water.

Reply:Yes! I learnt about it when I was young too! I think its some kind of gigantic toad, not frog..
Reply:poison arrow frogs do that too..

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