Friday, April 23, 2010

What's the strangest baby name you've ever heard?

Personally, I think the strangest I've heard is "Precious Diamond".

What's the strangest baby name you've ever heard?
Jellybean and Syphilis.
Reply:"Placenta May" seriously, I'm not joking either. Its a long hilarious story about that one. I hope the mom finally changed it.
Reply:Tank-and that too on a undersized boy
Reply:Chlamydia. It's got to be the worst.
Reply:For me it's got to be, hands down, Shithead. (The woman was very vocal in telling everyone in the waiting room, "It's pronounced 'Shi Thade'.")
Reply:Thats not a celebrity kids would be Rhianwen Shaynee
Reply:Miracle White

Laburolinda (she went by Linda)

Gary Gary
Reply:For a girl the strangest name I have seen is Ocean, or Porsche, for a guy, it has to be Phuk (he was either Phillipino or asian) but I did a double take and started to laugh. I just do not get why parents name their children after expensive items like Diamond, Porsche, Mercedes and even Heaven is pushing it, I know your kids are precious, but I don't think you will thinking that at 13 when "Precious Diamond" is running away and screaming I hate you! I don't think yelling Precious is going to make any impact lol.
Reply:someone named their kid Precious Diamond? I am naming my kid Skye. But Zion in the strangest i have heard
Reply:Lol, I love baby names, so I always read them in thenewspaper on Sundays. The weirdest one I ever saw was a woman named Precious Lane who named her twins Pretty Lane and Golda Lane
Reply:Kishawan Laquail! Lol
Reply:twins: Orangello (or-ON-jell-oh) and Lemongello (le-MON-jell-oh)

(Orange Jello and lemon Jello)

No joke.
Reply:Asrul ... sounds like A*s roll.. haha...
Reply:Well I heard these on the news.




Pilot Inspektor

Peter Griffin
Reply:ive heard,(name)(last names)

sanjaya almonds

diamond womman

super fly

vicious doodley

bluberry muffins

lyke pigs

paris fiction

france cool

and these are true! look it up on google or myspace names.
Reply:Daffodil Louise.

No lie.

I've also heard Majinia (seriously) and Toechia.
Reply:Abcde - I heard on the radio people started naming their kids that.
Reply:well i wuz thinkin of namein mine woohoo if not then dante if not then diego
Reply:highway...for a child born on a highway...
Reply:i actually met a woman named kissme love when i worked at a store. i thought she was full of something besides love but she had the drivers license to prove it.
Reply:Moon Unit :D
Reply:Obsession Love...........a little girl
Reply:My idiot hick brother named his kid "Levi Garrat". Can you imagine the mocking and making fun of this kid is going to have to endur??? Maybe he'll name the one thats on the way "Jack Daniels".......hillbilly idiots.......

sorry about the ramble.....:)
Reply:Agnes, GreenLeaf, or Wilde
Reply:My mom works at a school so she has told me some strange ones - Virgin Mary and Urine (pronounced Ur-ay-nee, the mother did not know English, saw the word on her chart and thought it was pretty!) are the craziest.

The funniest celebrity baby name I've heard is Jermajesty. (Jermaine Jackson's son)
Reply:Bigfoot, I used to work in an library, and scrolling down names to see who had overdue books, I came across that name haha.
Reply:Go to


Weird and wonderful names
Reply:My daughter's name is Bean. Her first ultrasound picture she was the size of a bean and looked like a kidney
Reply:Heaven Lee

Rain Water Moon (seriously went to school with her, odd girl)

Hugh Jass (seriously!!!! I felt so bad for him)
Reply:Johnny Eliza Jean

Candy Apple


Lake Canyon is my cousins kid, but I kind of like it.

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